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Scroll down to read Schedules, Class Specifics, and Show Rules .

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2024 South Coast Series Horse Shows Class Specifications 

All classes are restricted to junior and amateur adult riders.

Professionals may ride horses/ponies in warm-ups.                                 

All classes to be judged on performance, safety, soundness, quality, and               suitability, unless otherwise noted.

Judges' decisions are final. No Exhibitor may approach a judge for any                reason without express permission of Show Management


Warm-ups-  4 riders may be in the ring at a time.  Professionals may ride in the warm-ups.

Handy Hunter  - each division in the Hunter Ring will have a Handy Hunter round, to                possibly include a hand gallop, roll back turns, trot jump, or other appropriate test.

Pony Hunter/Equitation- Fences 2’. Any age rider on a Pony 14.2 hands or under.  The              same Pony/Rider combination may not enter the Hopeful or South Coast Hunter                Divisions but may enter 2’6” classes.  

Hopeful Hunter/Equitation  Fences 2’.   Any age rider on a Horse or Pony.  Horse/Rider             combination not to have shown in Hunter or Eq. over fences higher than 2’, and

       may not cross enter any other Over Fences Division.

South Coast Hunter/Equitation  Fences 2’3”.  Any age rider on a horse or pony.                         Combination may not cross enter into any other Over Fences Division.

Working  Hunter  2’6” Horses or ponies, Junior/Amateur riders of any age or previous                showing experience.

Lead-Line- Open to riders 8 years and under, who have not shown in classes off the lead.          Leader must be at least 14 years old. Riders will be asked to demonstrate

        basic position and control at the walk and trot. Lead Line to be attached

        to the noseband, not to the bit. . Chain Leads are prohibited in Lead Line classes.

Hunter Pleasure- Horses and Ponies. Junior or Senior Riders.

Short Stirrup- 18” Crossrails, Open to riders 14 years and under who have not competed           in Hunter or Eq. classes over jumps higher than 18”

Novice-  Open to riders of any age in their first year showing in group classes at the                    Canter.  Over Fences class will not count toward Division/Year End points.

Junior Walk-Trot- Open to riders 11 and under who have not shown in group classes                    requiring a canter. Over Fences class will not count toward Division/Year End points.

Senior Walk-Trot- Open to riders 12 and over who have not shown in group classes                      requiring a canter. Over Fences class will not count toward Division/Year End points.

Long Stirrup – 18” verticals, Open to riders of any age who have not competed in Hunter           or Equitation classes over jumps higher than 18”. Riders may not compete in Short               Stirrup, Novice, or Beginners



Angus Memorial Hunter Derby    Exhibitors who are eligible for the Pony Hunter and                  Hopeful Hunter Divisions may compete in this class. This will be a 1-round class, with          2' fences on an extended handy hunter type course. 

         Proceeds from this class will benefit Amazing Grace Equine Rescue. 

Halloween Hunter Derby Pairs Class  Exhibitors who are eligible for the Pony, South Coast        Hunter, and Working Hunter divisions may compete in this class. 

      Horses/riders may compete in more than one pair.  This will be a 1-round class, with            2'3" fences over an extended handy hunter type course.  Proceeds from this class will          benefit Damien's Place Food Pantry 

Costume Class  Open to all exhibitors, to be held at the completion of both rings.  Horses       may be led or ridden, all mounted riders must wear an ASTM approved helmet. 


For all divisions:

Pleasure- judged on manners, soundness, quality, performance, and suitability for rider.

Hunters- judged on performance, way of going, quality, soundness, and manners.

Equitation- judged on performance, rider’s position, and control.

Horsemanship- as Equitation, judge may also ask for additional testing.


Rider’s age on Jan. 1 2024 will determine eligibility for classes.


South Coast Series Hunter Horse Shows Rules And Regulations

1.Entry Fees: $21.00 per class. 

2. Show management reserves the right to combine, cancel, reschedule or               divide classes when deemed necessary.

3.  Classes are restricted to Junior and Amateur adult riders.                                    Professionals may ride horses/ponies in warm-ups.

4. All classes to be judged on performance and soundness, unless otherwise            noted. Judges’ decisions are final. Trophy and six ribbons will be

    awarded in each class.  Champion and Reserve awards will be

    presented in each division. All classes except where noted will

    count toward South Coast Series High Point Awards.


    Entries are to be done at     

    All riders must pre-enter before 10:00 PM on the Friday before the Show.  

6. No exhibitor numbers will be given out without payment and a completed,         signed entry form.

7. NO DOGS! Please do not bring your dog to the horse show.

8. Please, NO SMOKING at any South Coast Series Horse Show.                           9. All riders must wear an ASTM approved helmet when mounted-

    no exceptions!

10. Proper show attire and traditional hunter tack (bridle with standard                   cavesson noseband) is required for each class. Horses may not wear

     protective boots in Hunter or Pleasure classes.

11 .PARKING- all vehicles are to be parked in the designated field. 


12. Longeing is allowed only in the designated areas at the back of the

      parking field.

13. Schooling areas – riders are asked to remain in the designated schooling            areas, and the areas around the SCS show rings.

14.  High Point Awards- all South Coast Shows will count towards Year End

        High Point Awards.   Riders must compete and receive points in their                  divisions in at least 3 shows to be eligible for an award. 

        Points will be posted at


As always, NO SMOKING and NO DOGS.  


Grazing Fields barns, rest room, indoor ring, and other buildings are strictly off limits for horse show exhibitors.


Please use the Horse Show Entrance for all vehicles. 



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   South Coast Series Horse Shows


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                                               news and updates!







       Email with any South Coast Series questions!


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2024 Grazing Fields Farm South Coast Series Hunter Shows Schedule


Sundays:  May 5, June 23, July 14,

August 4, September 22


 Schedule to be revised for Halloween Show.



100.  2’ Warm-up 7:30-8:30 AM

8:30 AM Start

1. Pony Hunter 2’

2. Pony Handy Hunter 2’

4. Pony Hunter Equitation o/f

3. Pony Hunter u/s

5. Pony Hunter Eq. Flat

6. Hopeful Hunter 2’

7. Hopeful Handy Hunter 2’

9. Hopeful Equitation o/f

8. Hopeful Hunter u/s

10. Hopeful Equitation Flat

101. 2’3” Warm-up

11. South Coast Hunter 2’3”

12. South Coast Handy Hunter 2’3”

14. South Coast Equitation 2’3”

13. South Coast Hunter u/s

15. South Coast  Equitation Flat

102. 2’6” Warm-up 

16. Working Hunter 2’6”

17. Working Handy Hunter 2’6”

19. Open Equitation o/f 2’6”

18. Working Hunter u/s

20. Open Equitation Flat

21. Open Hunter Pleasure

22. Open Hunter Pleasure Equitation

23. Open Hunter Pleasure Horsemanship



103. Crossrails Warm-Up  7:30-8:30 AM

8:30 AM Start

27. Short Stirrup Hunter

28. Short Stirrup Hunter

31. Short Stirrup Equitation over Fences

29. Short Stirrup Hunter under Saddle

30. Short Stirrup Equitation Flat

24. Lead Line Pleasure

25. Lead Line Equitation

26. Lead Line Horsemanship

104. Long Stirrup Warmup

32. Long Stirrup Hunter

33. Long Stirrup Hunter

35. Long Stirrup Equitation Over Fences

34. Long Stirrup Hunter  under Saddle

36. Long Stirrup Equitation Flat

37. Junior  Walk-Trot Pleasure  

38. Junior Walk-Trot Equitation

39. Junior Walk-Trot Horsemanship

40. Junior W-T Equitation Crossrails*

45. Senior  Walk-Trot Pleasure

46. Senior Walk-Trot Equitation

47. Senior  Walk-Trot Horsemanship

48. Senior W-T  Equitation Crossrails*

41. Novice Pleasure

42. Novice Equitation

43. Novice Horsemanship

44. Novice Equitation Crossrails*


*not to count toward division points/championship








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