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Here are links to a few things we think may be helpful, educational, or simply entertaining to our exhibitors!

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Community Horse is our favorite magazine ! Formerly known as Massachusetts Horse, it has expanded to coverage of Connectict and Rhode Island events as well.   It includes articles and information about all of the horsey activities in our area, as well as helpful horsemanship information and resources.


Click this link to read the latest issue of Community Horse

New to this whole "horse showing " thing?  Mel of Grazing Fields wrote this guide to horse showing to help riders and their families know what to expect at a horse show, and to better understand some of the rules and protocols often followed at shows.

 It seems that the Horse Show Judge is  often viewed as a mysterious, slightly malevolent creature, who's sole purpose is to penalize our every flaw.  

Nothing could be further from the truth!  

Read these articles for a better understanding of Horse Show Judges and what their job entails.  

 This one was written by an actual
South Coast Series Judge!

This was written by a Western Pleasure Judge, but the same ideas are true regardless type of Horse Show

Ruthann Smith  of "Lucky Braids" is a lifelong horsewoman , professional groom and "Braider to the Stars". She has developed some wonderful grooming products, and is an advocate and cheerleader for great horsemanship.   If you can't get to one of her horsemanship clinics, you can find much of her wisdom here on her website.

Smartpak is more than a great place to shop! Visit their blog page for entertaining and educational stories from vets, farriers, and riders just like you!

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